Saturday, February 9, 2013

Positivity Breeds Positivity

This week I'll continue my discussion of being positive. DeliveringHappiness recently tweeted "What do you value most in your workplace? Is it your co-workers? Your job? Or something else? #WorkHappy" For me, simply being nice and keeping a positive work environment makes all of the difference.  

This week I was giving a new hire orientation and decided to show the FISH video before.  I was pleasantly surprised by the message that was conveyed. The film is about a fish market and the way that their employees stay positive.  They are dedicated to the Fish Philosophy.  It goes on to discuss how being positive makes their work more enjoyable and how they are able to create a relationship and communicate with consumers with their actions. One employee says, "I CHOOSE TO BE POSITIVE." This really is a great statement. You can choose to be optimistic or you can opt not to be. Seeing the glass as half full seems to be like the right choice to me.  The way I look at it, the glass might spill a little bit, but it never tips over and you can ALWAYS fill it back up.  

I think starting an employment relationship with this type of message is the right step to take.  Keeping the message going is the key. We have been planning the calendar of events for this year and have included events where the company gives to employees (luncheons, special events, turkeys) and other events (No Child LeftBehind, United Way and BetheMatch). I feel that giving to employees and showing them how the company supports giving back to the community and inviting them to participate sends an encouraging message.

I would really like to expand our level of positivity through "random acts of happiness." This is something else I recently saw Delivering Happiness do. They handed out balloons on the street to random strangers.  Amazing that such a small thing could put a smile on people's faces and bring them joy. 

I would like to pass out happy face stickers to employees. Just something fun to keep work light and fun. What's your idea?

Over the past few weeks I have been exposing myself to positive people on Twitter. Their optimism and actions have inspired me. I look to be inspired and find things that make me happy every day. I find these things with quotes, pictures, music and other stories.  My goal is to pass on some of my happiness and hopefully it will motivate someone else to be positive.  I hope someone inspires you today! 


  1. Emily,
    I want to thank you for your post. Last week I mentioned in my post not to end the day on a negative note but find something positive. I am doing just that after reading your post. Thinking positive can make a world of difference in life. You are right it is a "choice". We can't always rely on our feelings but we can choose to do right in life and be positive. Thanks for passing on some inspiration!

  2. Dan, I'm glad I was able to inspire you. I agree with your blog and how it discusses that staying healthy is important. It is not only good food and working out, but keeping your mind healthy too. I was running the other day and heard a commercial on Pandora. It was about testing your mind. You might want to visit Starting with positivity is important, but I believe that you need to challenge your mind too.
