Monday, July 13, 2015

Switch Up Your Workout

How often do you switch up your workout? Do you cross train? I'd say that I cross train, but I'm a creature of habit. I like to run (I'm fast as a turtle) and do harder workouts like Insanity Max 30, T-25 and other circuit workouts. It's sort of funny that I seem to be able to pick up harder things, but it's the simple stuff I have a hard time with.

I like to push myself during my workout. I feel like if I didn't sweat
(and when I say sweat I mean melt) then I must not have worked out hard enough. I really hit my stride a few months ago and I was really able to push myself during my workouts. Then...plagued with injury. It's so frustrating. I want to go, but my body says STOP and I'm not healing.

Then...I think I had the moment of clarity. I'm going to move away from doing workouts with a lot of impact (jumping kills me and flares up my injury). I'm going to focus on building my strength. My doctor told me that strengthening my quads would help my knees. Let's hope so. Yes I'll still do Insanity and circuits and run, but not as much. I'm going to lift some and maybe do some Pilates or yoga.

It's been a  while since I've changed things up and I'm hoping this will help me.What have you done to change up work workouts? Has it worked?

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