For me, fitness is a part of who I am. If I don't get my workout in it throws off my entire day. I do get
up early and work out before don't want to get up....still I do. I find that after I workout I feel REFRESHED and ENERGIZED and ready to start my day. Getting up everyday isn't easy. Yes...I do hit the snooze button. But each time I do I remember why I get up early. I get up early because it makes me feel good and it makes me enjoy the way I look.
I find that planning my workout really helps. Some weeks I plan a circuit. My son and I actually wrote one recently together. Sometimes I do that one, other times I modify it, and other times I follow workouts I find online. Currently I'm doing
Insanity Max 30. It is one of my ALLTIME FAVORITE workouts. It's one I return to again and again. After being off due to injury for about 7 weeks I started getting back into the swing of things last week. The first week was tough. I had trouble with the warm up, but after I got past it it's like my momentum was going and things went great. In week two I can feel that I'm already doing so much better than I was the week before.
My next workout of attack is
Hammer and Chisel. Maybe you'll join me in a challenge group!
I do LOVE working out. I MAKE TIME for it. There are a lot of benefits to working out...especially in the AM. In fact, I just ran across this article this morning
Whether you love to exercise or you hate it there are a lot of benefits.It makes you feel better, boosts your energy, helps eliminate anxiety and stress, it helps boost your metabolism and so much more!!!