Thursday, July 16, 2015

80% Diet

I can workout like  a crazy person. I really do workout to eat. My diet is my enemy. I have done a lot to improve my diet and I've made it so that it is a LIFESTYLE NOT A DIET. I feel best when I eat clean. I like the way I look when I eat well. In order to look good working out like a crazy only takes me so far. It really comes down to diet. I try to follow the guidelines of the 21-Day Fix.

If I eat like crap I feel like crap. It's that simple. I am setting myself up for success if I only give myself good things:) This week I did a mini-meal prep. Only two meals for the end of the week since I wasn't able to get it done sooner. Still proud of myself because I was able to eat good all week packing on the fly.
Eat good and feel GREAT! You just need to find a way to make those good foods desirable. I'm huge on meal prepping. They way I think about it is that

I'm huge on making new recipes and being creative with what I have.  I try not to let any food go to waste.  I find a lot of Facebook and recently discovered Pinterest. Yes, I just found Pinterest. It's WONDERFUL! So many ideas. If you follow me on Facebook or Pinterest you'll notice I post a lot of recipes and pictures of food. These are two great places for support and motivation too!

I've discovered that the better I eat....the better I feel and the better I look. So, if you didn't catch on...EAT GOOD....FEEL GOOD....LOOK GOOD! (This is where the 20% workout comes in).

Best of luck and please share your recipes with me. I'm always looking!!!

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